Today, it was a nice 90 degrees outside and I got to lay out by the pool and swim with my family! I feel so at home with my family and, being a people-person, I love having so many people around. With two parents and three sisters, two of which have boyfriends, there are always plenty of people with whom I can converse in Spanish!
Yesterday was the orientation at Universidad Blas Pascal and I had a lot of fun getting to know the other exchange students. About ten students are from Clemson, two girls from Canada, two girls from Germany, one guy from Rhode Island, and one guy from Nebraska. We were given good advice to help us adjust to life in Cordoba, learned about our health insurance plans and our class schedule this month, had a BBQ (or ¨asado¨) for lunch (Argentine asados are known for being the best beacuse of their delicious meat), given a tour of the campus, and played some fun Argentine games. We also met the tutors the program gives us to help us adapt to life in Cordoba. There is one tutor for every two exchange students. Mine is Gaby and she seems great! The campus is very nice, since it is a private university. They have free WiFi on campus and a nice-sized computer lab with very up-to-date technology!
Last night, the UBP exchange students went out as a group to Nueva Cordoba and had a great time! The picture is of me and two other girls from Clemson, Anna and Holly, before we met up with everyone else. It was a great opportunity to get to know the other students and our tutors.
Well, I guess that´s it! Look for my next update! :) Hasta luego!
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