Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Whew! I'm done!
Also, I met three Argentine girls in my Geography class (my main connection to the Argentine world haha) and I'm doing this huge project with them. They are really sweet and have been so patient with me as I'm trying to keep up and not be an obstacle to them! Pray as I get to know them more that God would present the opportunity to share my faith with them. Usually, it's just as easy as, "So what kind of music do you like?"--"Well I like country music, broadway music, and christian music too."--"Oh, so you're a Christian...like Catholic or Protestant?" And when I tell them I'm protestant, they almost always want to know what I believe and what the difference between Protestantism and Catholicism is. Please pray that I'll be able to share what I believe as well as show them by my actions that those beliefs make a difference in my day-to-day life.
Thursday until Sunday, the Clemson group has an official trip to Northern Argentina, and a bunch of the other exchange students and our professors are going to! Pray for safety as Dengue, a disease carried by mosquitos, has been a problem in the area recently. We'll all be wearing lots of Off spray!!
Thanks again for checking my blog to see what's going on in my life here! Until next post!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Mendoza--where it's at
So, I guess the biggest news is...the trip is halfway over!! Can you believe it?? Thursday marked 10 weeks since I arrived! That's a long time! It really doesn't feel like I've been here that long, time is flying!
Thursday we had an international fair for the students at UBP (the university I attend here) and it was great! Holly (another girl from Clemson) and I made about 200 snickerdoodles as the representative food from the United States! :) Everyone loved them though! There were several different stands set up, representing the different countries where the international students at UBP are from. I sat at the Clemson stand for a while and answered a lot of questions about the university and the exchange program there. The students couldn't believe how huge Clemson was! I hope more students from UBP decide to study in Clemson, because right now, per year, only 20 UBP students study in Clemson and 200 Clemson students study in UBP! That ratio is not fair to Clemson, so if it doesn't change soon, the program might be terminated. Hopefully this fair gave the UBP students the information they're looking for so that they'll want to come to the amazing Clemson, SC soon!
Also, keep me in your prayers about what I'm going to be doing this summer when I get back. I just found out that Jackson-Dawson can't use me as an intern this summer, so I'll be looking for something else to do. It'll be especially hard to do this from Argentina, and I don't want this to add a bunch of stress to my life here, so really pray that I'll find a job or/and be able to help out a few of my parents' friends who have their own marketing businesses in Greenville.
Again, thanks so much for your prayers! Keep them up! This week and next week are midterms so pray for the stress levels here! :) Adios!
Monday, April 6, 2009
6 things that our Argentine friends really should know...
Six pieces of information that have yet to reach our friends here in Argentina:
1) A person having one foot on the city bus does not give the driver the permission to gun it (so scary!)
2) You really don't have to walk around with a unibrow...it's actually a very solvable problem
3) We would all appreciate it if you mothers would at least TRY to cover up while nursing in public
4) It's probably healthy to occasionally attempt to return from going out with your friends before 6 am every weekend...lack of sleep will catch up with you eventually...
5) Fruit does NOT equal dessert. I don't know who started that lie here, but it's not true...
6) Drinking Coke like it's water might be nice now, but you can't keep it up your whole life...your body will hate you...
So, nothing much has happened since my last post, so I thought I'd throw in that list for your enjoyment :) Classes were pretty normal last week, nothing too special! We did have a four-day weekend though, which was really nice! I went downtown to an Argentine friend's apartment Saturday to work on a project and it was a lot of fun! It's really cool because here there is a section of downtown Córdoba where all of these skyscraper apartment buildings are, where most of the hundreds of thousands of college students here live! Therefore, that part of downtown is always covered with students! Lots of fun!
Last week, my Argentine cousin, her husband, and two little girls (3 and 5) came to visit and that was a lot of fun! We had 15 people total for dinner two nights in a row! I had so much fun interacting with the two girls, especially the older one, since she's learning English in school and thought it was so cool that I spoke English :)
This weekend I'm pretty sure I'm going to Mendoza, which is about a 6 hour bus ride away! I'm really excited! I'm sure I'll have a lot to tell you about that trip! I hope you and your family have a wonderful Easter! Chau!